Allium Sativum
Originally from Central Asia, garlic grows everywhere. It’s cultivated by dividing the bulb. Aly appreciated in cooking, is grown for commercial purposes.
Originally from Central Asia, garlic grows everywhere. It’s cultivated by dividing the bulb. Aly appreciated in cooking, is grown for commercial purposes.
The acorus is a soothing and stimulating plant of gastric secretions. It is known for its appetizing and carminative properties, as well as a soothing effect on the nervous system and joint pains. The plant is generally recommended in case of digestion difficult, chronic gastritis, rash and urticaria.
The millefeuille is a plant origin from Europe whose healing properties have been known for a long time. Yesterday, the yarrow was used to stop the bleeding caused by war wounds. Active against the hay fever, it also treats the common cold and the flu, it is also used in case of problems related to menstruation and circulatory disorders.
This tree has always struck the imagination for its grotesque shape and size. It is considered sacred tree in many villages. All parts of the plant are used. Apart of its food uses, we can mention antidiarrheal antirachitic, anti-inflammatory, etc.
This herb gives off a scent when we crumple the leaves and this explains its use in medico – magic treatments and mental illnesses, it’s also used for eye diseases in instillations, on burns and in pneumonia by rubbing breast.
The lady’s mantle owes its name to the alchemists who considered the dew of its leaves as heavenly water indispensable for the preparation of the philosopher’s stone. In the Middle Ages, this plant was already used in herbal medicine, but it was supposed to giving back their virginity to women and shine to withered breasts. This is where its name comes from “lady’s mantle”, since the plant was known to firm the tissues of the device female genital by wrapping it like a coat.
The fruits of Acacia nilotica and the tannins they contain have the property of destroying the algae that invade the backwaters. Similarly, a decoction of the sprayed fruit thrown into the water kills the crustacea vectors of a terrible African disease, bilharziasis.
Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that may play a role in cancer prevention. Research suggests that lycopene can help prevent prostate cancer. The beta-carotene in tomatoes also has anticancer effects.
Watermelon’s high levels of lycopene are very effective at protecting cells from damage and may help lower the risk of heart disease, according to a study at Purdue University. A study published in the American Journal of Hypertension found that watermelon extracts helped reduce hypertension and lower blood pressure in obese adults.
Remove meat from the marinade and grill until cooked and brown. Discard leftover marinade (if there are any of the ingredients left on the meat or vegetables as it may taste bitter if you decide to leave them on).
Cultivated in Asia for millennia, green tea is one of the fundamental elements of traditional Asian medicine, in general, and Chinese in particular. Green tea has always been used for its stimulating virtues, but also for its action effective against digestive infections.
Traditional Remedy South Africa, the buchu is a stimulant and a diuretic, it also relieves intestinal diseases.For the Western herbal medicine, it is a diuretic agent and a valuable antiseptic unary, used in particular to cure the cystitis and d other diseases of the unary system The aroma of the buchu is strong and its taste is reminiscent of rosemary and peppermint.
All organs of this plant are used in traditional medicine. The bark macerated is used in colic, jaundice and as antivenom and vermifuge.The stems after removal of thorns are used as toothbrush and sold on all But it is the fruit that is widely used as a food because of its carbohydrates and vitamins.
This quick recipe embraces the juicy summer fruit to a whole new (healthier!) level…it’s a great way to change up every day fruit salad.