The miraculous benefits of onions
The onion has a soothing and invigorating effect on the nerves. Helps the organs that make red blood cells to make healthy cells and avoid them alterations of the leucocyte balance.
The onion has a soothing and invigorating effect on the nerves. Helps the organs that make red blood cells to make healthy cells and avoid them alterations of the leucocyte balance.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is one of the medicinal spices that has been used since antiquity for the many benefits it provides. Our health is derived from the same family as ginger.
Wild celery is found on the coasts and in the swamps of Western Europe. It is grown as a winter vegetable, sown in the spring and harvested in the middle of the summer until autumn.
Throughout the ages we find evidence of preparations made from flowers or peel cooked, crushed and mixed with culinary preparations. Linden has always been used for its sedative and soothing properties. The herbal tea, made from dried flowers and leaves, has been used since the 16th century.
The blueberry blossoms in the humid undergrowth and temperate heathland of the northern hemisphere, widely grown in the world, multiplies by sowing in autumn or by root separation. in summer, ripe fruit in late summer or early autumn.
Vitex doniana is strongly recommended as an antiasthenic, the active parts are barks and leaves in sweet decoction for adynamic states and respiratory diseases.
The decoction of henna leaves is widely used by women in africa for the dyeing of the feet, hands and head, but it also receives medicinal applications: rheumatism and strains in external use.
Mitracarpus scaber is used in dermatitis and leprosy treatment in many African countries, and has a worldwide reputation.
Galangan is a plant native to Asia from the same family as ginger and is used traditionally to stimulate appetite, fight against nausea, reduce rheumatic pain or osteoarthritis, stomachic and stimulating.
Kigelia africana is a magical plant especially for the treatment of infertility. The fruits of a particular form are used to make the breasts of girls grow. This can be seen as a verification of the ‘theory of signatures’ It being given the suggestive form of these fruits.
Melissa is a plant native to the eastern Mediterranean basin (Turkey) and found in all the temperate climates of the planet. lts use as a medicinal plant, dates back to theophrastus and Hippocrates, in Ancient Greece At the time, it was already recognized its benefits to calm people disorders.
Mint is one of the best-known medicinal plants, archaeologists have found mint leaves in Egyptian tombs, and it is used by Greeks and Romans to relieve pain or purge patients.
It was the American Indians of the Tupi-Guarani branch who discovered the properties of guarana a long time ago, its seeds were already used in herbal medicine in pre-Columbian times (more than 2,000 years BC), to combat fatigue and control appetite, during times of famine or long expeditions the forest.
The first use of ginseng, as a natural medicine, goes back more than 4000 years BC Originally, in China and North Korea, the feudal lords, emperors and their guards took advantage of its.
This is the very example of the application of the ‘Signatures theory’, where a yellow root of the Bakis makes it possible to treat jaundice in the broadest sense, diagnosed by the coloring of and sclerotitis. Jaundice integuments resulting from hepatitis or following a malaria attack are treated by this plant. It is often associated with the green fruit of Carica papaya.