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Arctium Lappa

Originating from Europe and Asia, burdock now grows in all the temperate zones of the world. It is grown in Europe and China by sowing in the spring. The seeds are harvested in summer and the whole plant is harvested picked in the warmest of summer.

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Tilia Vulgaris

Throughout the ages we find evidence of preparations made from flowers or peel cooked, crushed and mixed with culinary preparations. Linden has always been used for its sedative and soothing properties. The herbal tea, made from dried flowers and leaves, has been used since the 16th century.

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Vaccinium Myrtillus

The blueberry blossoms in the humid undergrowth and temperate heathland of the northern hemisphere, widely grown in the world, multiplies by sowing in autumn or by root separation. in summer, ripe fruit in late summer or early autumn.

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Prunus Cerasus

The cherry tree is native to the Middle East and was introduced to France in 1585 by Jean Morelot. It is to King Louis XV that we owe his intensive cultivation, for his fruit and his wood, famous end and The cherry was used in ancient times by the Greeks to treat gout. At the Middle Ages, the cherry tail was recommended to facilitate the evacuation of urine.

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Thymus Vulgaris

Common thyme is a cultivated variety of wild thyme, or wild thyme, native to southern Europe, and is now grown worldwide, by sowing or cuttings in spring, on calcareous soils aerial parts at the end of summer.

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Hypericum Perforatum

Originally from Europe, St. John’s Wort grows in many temperate regions of the world It is cultivated by sowing in the spring or by division of the rhizome in autumn. The flowering tops are harvested in the middle of summer was known as a devil’s hunt that drove evil spirits away, a plant used in white magic.

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