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Kigelia Africana

Kigelia africana is a magical plant especially for the treatment of infertility. The fruits of a particular form are used to make the breasts of girls grow. This can be seen as a verification of the ‘theory of signatures’ It being given the suggestive form of these fruits.

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Melissa Officinalis

Melissa is a plant native to the eastern Mediterranean basin (Turkey) and found in all the temperate climates of the planet. lts use as a medicinal plant, dates back to theophrastus and Hippocrates, in Ancient Greece At the time, it was already recognized its benefits to calm people disorders.

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Paullinia Cupana

It was the American Indians of the Tupi-Guarani branch who discovered the properties of guarana a long time ago, its seeds were already used in herbal medicine in pre-Columbian times (more than 2,000 years BC), to combat fatigue and control appetite, during times of famine or long expeditions the forest.

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Linum Usitatissimum

Originally from the temperate regions of Europe and Asia , flax is grown by sowing in many parts of the world, including France, Canada and the United States, and is harvested when its seeds are ripe late summer or early fall.

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Tinospora Bakis

This is the very example of the application of the ‘Signatures theory’, where a yellow root of the Bakis makes it possible to treat jaundice in the broadest sense, diagnosed by the coloring of and sclerotitis. Jaundice integuments resulting from hepatitis or following a malaria attack are treated by this plant. It is often associated with the green fruit of Carica papaya.

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Melaleuca Alternifolia

Originally from Australia, the tea tree grows on the wet soils of New South Wales and Queensland. It is grown by cuttings in summer. The leaves and small branches used for the extraction of oil essential are collected during the year.

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Lycium Chinense

The wolfberry grows in Tibet and China (center and north of the country), which grown from seed in autumn. The root is dug in any time of 1’annĂ©e. Most of the time, or rather at the harvest spring. The fruits are picked at the end of summer or early autumn.

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Malpighia Glabra

An edible fruit made from a wild shrub, acerola has been used by Amazonian Indians all the time, especially to fight against diarrhea, dysentery and liver problems. The Spanish conquistadores did not miss to discover the virtues of this fruit from the sixteenth century and it is they who gave it the name acerola.

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Hydrastis Canadensis

Goldenseal grows wild in wooded and humid mountainous regions of North America. It appreciates the carpeted floor leaves. Because of overharvesting, it has virtually disappeared from its natural habitat therefore, only products derived from the crop should be purchased and multiplied by division of the root, the rhizomes of the 3-year-old plants are uprooted in autumn, then dried outdoors on a canvas.

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Myristica Fragrans

Native to the Maluku Islands, nutmeg grows in the tropics. The tree bears fruit after 8 years and can continue to produce for more than 60 years. The ripe fruits are picked, and the nuts are separated flowers to dry them.

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Serenoa Repens

The sabal grows on the sandy dunes bordering the Atlantic coast, from South Carolina to Texas Il multiplies from seed in spring on well drained soils and very sunny. The berries, harvested at maturity in autumn, are often ginned before being dried.

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