Chenopodium Ambrosioides
1. History and use
The vermifuge chenopod has been known in Central America for a very long time as tea (Mexico tea) and has been introduced in many tropical countries and became a officinal plant in France in 1949. It is the oil which is now used in Europe asan anthelmintic, especially in veterinary medicine.
2. Description of the plant
It is an annual or perennial herb up to 1 meter in height more or less pubescent and giving off an odor when crushed. It has lanceolate oval leaves, coarsely toothed. The stem is often reddish. The flowers are grouped in the axils of the leaves. The fruits contain very small brownish, lenticular and shiny seeds.
3. Curative action
The essential oil contained in the plant is an excellent vermifuge.It is ascaridol which is the active ingredient and which is very toxic to cold- blooded animals, it paralyzes and kills parasitic especially roundworms and hookworms and must be is effective against worms. accompanied by a saline or oily purgative.
4. Uses
Intestinal worms Infuse 100 grams of fresh leaves or flowering tops in half a liter of water and drink 3 times during the day. After 3 days, it is recommended to take a Purgative: Reduce the dose by half for children.
The use of this plant should be monitored because intolerance can occur: dizziness, headaches and vomiting.