Prunus Cerasus
1. History and use
The cherry tree is native to the Middle East and was introduced to France in 1585 by Jean Morelot. It is to King Louis XV that we owe his intensive cultivation, for his fruit and his wood, famous end and The cherry was used in ancient times by the Greeks to treat gout. At the Middle Ages, the cherry tail was recommended to facilitate the evacuation of urine. Subsequently, it was used The Roman legionaries have also used it as a tonic during major battles, but today cherry tails are mostly used for the treatment of urinary and intestinal diseases, and they are also used in the treatment of arthritis, decoctions and herbal teas in the slimming cures. One of the most widespread indications concerns its diuretic and depurative action. The recent uses of the cherry tail in herbal medicine concern the treatment of o edemas, urinary stones and mild hypertension.
2. Description of the plant
The cherry tree is a plant of 2 to 8 m tall, with straight trunk and upright habit, its bark, gray and smooth, is renewed by exfoliation. Its branches are spread out and its leaves, toothed, are green, shiny The inflorescence is a pseudo-umbel, with white flowers, and its fruits (drupes) are pedunculated (the peduncle, brownish green and measuring about 4 cm, is called cherry tail), red and white contains a spherical nucleus. The cherry tree is cultivated on ordinary, non-clay soils up to 1000 m altitude, a perennial plant that blooms only once a year, usually between 15 March and April 15. Two types of cherries can be distinguished: the sweet (soft and soft pulp, used in the making of kirsch) and the bigarreaux (firm and crisp pulp, consumed as fruit of the mouth).
3. Curative action
- Internal use
Improves intestinal function: mild laxative effect.
Soothes inflammation of the urinary tract: cystitis, gout.
Facilitates the evacuation of urine, water and toxins: diuretic and depurative properties.
Has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on the liver and stomach: regulating effect.
- Usual therapeutic indications
Urinary disorders and disorders (gout, cystitis, inflammation, renal colic), digestive problems (laxative effect). Facilitates the evacuation of water and waste (diuretic), stimulates kidney function, relieves arthritis-related pain, helps weight loss.
Improves liver function (antioxidant and anti-inflammatory), offers a diuretic action its high digestion thanks to facilitates (elimination of urine potassium content), (presence of fiber in large amounts in the pulp). Relieves patients with problems cardiovascular (reduces inflammation and allows muscle recovery), slows the growth of cancer cells (action of phenolic compounds). Prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors (anthocyanins actions contained in the pulp), inhibits the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL) from 70 to 99%.
4. Uses
The tails of cherries are used, usually, in infusion or decoction. For use as a diuretic, you must soak a handful of cherry tails in 1 I of water and let them macerate overnight. In the morning, the whole is boiled for four minutes, then allowed to infuse about twenty minutes, out of the fire. You filter the decoction (keep morning, the whole is boiled for four minutes, then allowed to infuse about twenty minutes, out of the fire. You filter the decoction (keep cool), which can be drunk for one or two days.
In capsules, the powder of cherry tails is taken at the time of the meals, accompanied with a big glass of water, at the rate of 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules at midday. In case of need, the dose can be brought to 5 capsules a day.
To soothe tired, dry or irritated skin, you can apply a mask of cherry paste (100 g of cherries in the blender), for about twenty minutes.lt is necessary to rinse thoroughly, to get a skin refreshed and softened.