Mentha X Piperita
1. History and use
Mint is one of the best-known medicinal plants, archaeologists have found mint leaves in Egyptian tombs, and it is used by Greeks and Romans to relieve pain or purge patients. Forgotten in the West, it only joined the traditional pharmacopoeia in the 18th century, and since then it has been one of the first plants to be used intensively by the pharmaceutical industry, making menthol a classic. Pharmacy stalls, mint is also found in a large number of candies, syrups or as a flavor intended to improve the taste of certain medicines.
2. Description of the plant
The mint is a very aromatic plant up to 80 cm tall. lt belongs to the lamiaceae family. Its most used variety in herbal medicine is peppermint. lt has a serrated structure with square stems. lts color is green and it is harvested annually, sown in spring and harvested in summer, and found in Europe, Asia and North America.
3. Curative action
- Digestive disorders
Peppermint Peppermint is excellent for the digestive system it stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and bile, and relaxes the intestinal muscles. It reduces nausea, bloating and colitis. Antispasmodic action on the colon is effective in case of diarrhea, as in cases of constipation.
- Pain
Applied to the skin, peppermint calms the pain It also relieves headaches associated with poor digestion.
- Infections
The diluted essential oil can be used in inhalation or light massage on the chest, in case of bronchial infections. The whole plant is effective in case of gastro-agreements.
4. Uses
Mint is often offered in the form of industrial or artisanal preparations, such as capsules, lotions, menthol creams, tinctures or essential oils, which are generally recommended for three times a day. 2-4 drops For dyeing (45%), 2-5 ml at the same frequency should be used. In infusion: a tablespoon of leaves for 150 ml of boiling water. For one liter of water, weigh 15 g of leaves. Boil ten minutes and take 3 to 4 cups a day.
In gargle: 50 g of dried leaves for a liter of water and boil for ten minutes.
The lotion, made from the infusion, is applied to irritated skin Infusion For better digestion, drink a cup after each meal.