The Magic Of Mastication
The contemporary man does not know how to eat and he swallows instead of chewing well forgetting that the stomach has no teeth. Nowadays we do everything in a hurry. We eat badly, we breathe badly, we live badly and we do not care about our health by natural methods. Our bad way of life in the long run causes disorders of various orders in our body. We no longer eat, we liquidate the meal because we are always concerned.
Many have lost the good manners to sit down and the dining rooms no longer play their role of making the meal a sacred family. The family is never together. If a member is not absent, another is busy. The family must take time at the table and everyone must chew well and consciously enjoy what he eats Chewing plays an important physiological role.
In fact, the well-chewed food is more easily attacked by the digestive juices. This also allows the jaw to work his muscles and a muscle that does not work atrophy. Moreover the digestion of the floury begins in the mouth by the impregnation of saliva which contains ptyalin, saccharifying transforming it into assimilable alucose (sugar).
Even for the meat, digested in the stomach, it will be better attacked by the gastric juice if it is cut and crushed into small pieces. Let us remember that the stomach digests and evacuates more quickly well triturated food. But any delay of emptying of the stomach is accompanied by the increase of the acidity rate of the gastric juice, due in part with hydrochloric acid, partly with lactic acid and other products and fermentation, and add the harmful products produced by microbes and spores.
Usual hosts of the stomach, we have to chew the food in order to allow each organ to fully play its part, our health depends on it. Tachyphagia (habit of eating too fast) is the source of many diseases ( stomach acid, ulcer, diabetes, weight loss, weakening, malnutrition). Good chewing results in a higher yield with little food, so that one who chews well can eat well with less food. A good diet is based on quality, not quantity, balanced eating and good chewing, and working on both sides of the jaw to balance their development and avoid asymmetries.
The food (especially carbohydrates) will remain in the mouth until it has been crushed, reduced to fine porridge to extract all the flavor because the digestion of carbohydrates already begin in the mouth under the action saliva: Proteins will spend less time in the mouth as long as the meat is shredded before falling into the stomach, everyone should take their time at the table normally, and each family meal should be a small party. The head of the family must take care of it, and if you lose your time at the table, you will be healthy, so it’s not a waste of time, otherwise one day you will be caught. In the hospital modern medicine the Greek HIPPOCRATE of KOS in the Aegean proclaimed “Let food be your only medicine”.