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What To Do If You Burns And When To Seek Care

Burns can be minor medical problems or life- threatening emergencies. Sunburns and small scalds can usually be treated at home, but deep or widespread burns need immediate medical attention, skin grafts may be necessary to cover large wounds. Burns can leave skin vulnerable to bacterial infection and increase your risk of Sepsis, a life-threatening infection that travels through your bloodstream and affects your whole body.

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Natural Ways To Relieve Rheumatoid Arthritis

With aging, long-term use, and high-impact stress, articular cartilage can degenerate and wear out over time leading to joint problems. Although there is no diet cure for arthritis, certain foods have been shown to fight inflammation, strengthen bones and boost the immune system. Adding these foods to your balanced diet may help ease the symptoms of your arthritis.

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How to use Yarrow as useful a first aid remedy

The millefeuille is a plant origin from Europe  whose healing properties have been known for a long time.Yesterday, the yarrow was used to stop the bleeding caused by war wounds.Active against the hay fever, it also treats the common cold and the flu, it is also used in case of problems related to menstruation and circulatory disorders.

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10 Tips for Healthy Kidneys

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the most important health care advice concerns our kidneys.

Your kidneys aren’t very big — each is about the size of your fist — but they do important work. They keep you healthy by maintaining just the right balance of water and other substances inside your body.

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Jade and What You Should Know About Cabochons, Chlorine

Jade is a very unique and distinct looking gemstone that has been prized since ancient times. Master craftsmen across centuries and cultures have fashioned a swath of objects from the in-demand stone, including jade jewelry, plaques, sculptures, and even vessels. Today, these valuable artifacts can be found in museums and illustrious collections the world over. 

The demand for jade gemstones and jewelry is on the rise. If you plan on buying jade either as an investment or solely out of interest in jewelry, you should know that there are three important things that determine the value of jade — color, cabochons, and maintenance.

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The Prickly Story of Millenials and Their Fascination With Cacti

Back in the ’70s, cacti were a prized gift you would receive during Christmas. In its glory days, it was a sought-after item for all ages. However, after the ’70s, they lost their charm and immediately joined the not-so-merry band of dusty collectibles like vinyl, MINI cars, and whatnot in the bargain stores. But the thorny yet frail body is back to show its worth, as millennials have reignited the trend once again.

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Recipe: How to Prepare Passion Fruit Basil Chutney

Both passion fruit and basil offer several health benefits. Passion fruit is rich in antioxidants that help to combat free radicals affecting the body. It also diminishes cellular stress and improves blood flow to the brain. The fruit has a low glycemic index value, meaning that it won’t cause a steep spike in blood sugar levels in the body after consumption.

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How to Make Greek Chickpea Stew

To prepare the dish, you will need about 250 grams of dry chickpeas, a quarter cup of olive oil, a large onion, 1 garlic, 1 bay leaf, salt, pepper, and lemon. First, you need to soak the chickpeas for at least 12 hours. Rinse them thoroughly and place them in a pot with water. Once the water starts to boil, take out the chickpeas and begin rinsing once again, focusing on peeling off the skin.

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How to Make Delicious Chocolate Truffles at Home

Heat the cream in the microwave or on the stove for a few minutes until it is simmering. While waiting, chop the chocolate finely and put into a bowl. Use a serrated knife to make the task easy as it chopping the chocolate finely will help melt the chocolate quickly and evenly. Once the cream is heated, pour it over the chopped chocolate, let it sit for 5 minutes, then stir the ingredients well.

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How to Make Chocolate Chip Lentil Cookies at Home

Lentils are rich in polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective qualities. They can also be good for managing your blood sugar levels. Interestingly, these polyphenols do not lose their health properties during cooking, making lentils one of the best foods you can consume. Regularly eating lentils can also benefit your heart. In an 8-week study, 48 overweight people suffering from type 2 diabetes ate a one-third cup serving of lentils every day.

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