The Papaya And Why Is It So Magical?
The papaya is a magic tree that is just like our society, it can be bad, or it can be both female and evil and female (hermaphrodite). When you cut it or when you cross it by a stem it changes sex: badly it becomes female and gives fruits in abundance. That is how the Lord wanted it and nothing of the papaya is useless, it grows everywhere without even the favor of the human being, it is rightly called the magic tree or tree of life and everyone should have it in their yard or in their garden both food and medicine.
1. Intestinal worms: pinworms, trickephales and roundworms
Powder dry papaya seeds for 5 days, take a tablespoon of powder in a sweet porridge every morning on an empty stomach. The child: Sovereign remedy against intestinal worms.
By habit do not discard papaya seeds and when you eat some seeds at the same time. You must eat papaya at least once a year week 30 to 45 minutes before the main meals. Papaya is a good natural cleanser that brings a plus to our body.
2. Jaundice, liver, malaria
Boil green leaves + papaya roots + 4 lemons + One unripe papaya + coconut roots. Drink a beer glass, twice a day for a week.
3. Anthrax and boils
Apply a piece of green papaya to the injured parts and renew every day until complete healing.
4. Painful Rules
- Herbal Tea 1: Bedtime on green leaves of papaya during discomfort, fast relief.
- Herbal tea 2: Boiling green leaves + pride of china + leaves cotton + henna leaves 2 or 3 of these leaves are enough for the treatment Drink 2 glasses of beer a day This herbal tea facilitates the flow of the rules without pain.
5. Horns and calluses
The direct application of the latex of papaya and especially the latex of the laurel of the india (thevetia neriifolia or tantohu in fon) on the corns and calluses is very effective to dissolve the clusters of skin dried.
6. Panaris
Grind the papaya root with potash and palm nut kernel and make a poultice of the dough on the sick part.
7. Constipation
Make a day of papaya and nothing but papaya from time to time.
8. Cough and bronchitis
Boil papaya roots well washed in honey-sweetened water. Drink half-glass beer, 3 times a day away from meals.
9. Liver health
Papaya seeds contain essential nutrients that are effective in treating cirrhosis of the liver by simply grinding 5 or 6 seeds of papaya and adding them to your juices lime juice is especially recommended, take this mixture daily for a month, and eating small amounts of papaya seeds can stimulate liver cleansing and protect against the diseases of this vital organ.
10. Kidney Health
One of the benefits of papaya seeds is the prevention of some kidney problems, according to a study conducted by Karachi University, papaya seeds can help treat and repair to prevent kidney diseases like kidney failure.
11. Anti-inflammatory properties
Papaya seeds have very powerful anti inflammatory properties, which makes them very effective in relieving arthritis, joint pain, swelling and redness.
12. Antibacterial and antiviral properties
Even small amounts of papaya seeds have proved effective in controlling dangerous bacteria, such as staphylococcus, E. coli and salmonella. Fighting Viral infections, preventing dengue fever and typhoid fever are other benefits of papaya seeds. In Nigeria, mixing papaya seeds with milk is an excellent remedy for typhoid fever. These seeds are also widely used in Costa Rica to fight against dengue fever, which can also be treated with this juice made from papaya leaves.
13. Preventing cancer
Preventing cancer is another benefit of papaya seeds, which contain isothiocyanate, a compound that prevents the spread of cancerous cells. lsothiocyanate is particularly beneficial for the fight against cancer, leukemia, breast cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer.
14. Hunt pests
Papaya seeds contain carpaine, an alkaloid that works against intestinal worms and parasitic amoebae, and papaya is a fruit that stimulates protein metabolism in the body, creating an extremely hostile environment in the digestive tract to hunt parasites.
According to studies, 75% of children in Nigeria get rid of intestinal parasites by doing a 7-day course based on the consumption of papaya seed juice.
15. Boosting digestion
Papaya and its seeds have a high papain content, which is an enzyme that is extremely beneficial for the digestion of proteins and fats. to stimulate digestion, limit constipation and relieve gas and bloating.