Galangal benefits – how to use it best?
Galanga or galangal is native to southeast Asia, where it has been an important part of many Asian cultures. Galangal is an ancient herb that’s been famous for centuries for its ability to treat various medical conditions. Traditionally, galanga is used as a flavoring spice in the cuisines of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and China.
1. The Difference Between Galangal and Ginger
Their biggest difference is their taste: galangal has a sharp citrusy, almost piney flavor, while ginger is fresh, pungently spicy, and barely sweet — that means that they cannot be used interchangeably.
2. Health Benefits
1. Potentially Revolutionary Cancer-Fighting Agent
2. Improves Sperm Count and Function
3. Acts as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent
4. Has Antibacterial and Antifungal Qualities
5. High in Antioxidants
6. Supports Good Brain Health
7. May Ease Stomach Pain and Digestive Issues
Risks and Side Effects
Galangal side effects are rare and usually only occur when it’s consumed in amounts exceeding what’s found normally in foods. Like most herbs, you should avoid using galangal while pregnant, unless monitored closely by a physician.
People consuming higher amounts of the herb may experience galangal side effects like upset stomach, diarrhea and low energy. If these symptoms occur after galangal consumption, cut back on the amount you’re consuming.
3. How to use galangal
3.1 Recipe jamu Galanga
This recipe is for a wholesome and unique power drink inspired by an ancient East Indian tradition. The word “Jamu ” stands for “herbs, flowers and roots” and refers to all herbal remedies and, more generally, traditional Indonesian medicine.
3.2 Ingredients
3 organic limes
½ L Water
2 sticks of lemon grass
4 tbsp grated galangal root
6 tbsp agave syrup or honey
2 tbsp finely chopped peppermint leaves
2 tbsp finely chopped nettle leaves
2 teaspoons of turmeric
1 drop of peppermint oil
5 drops of orange oil
3.3 Preparation
Remove the lime peels and place in the water
Bring to boil
Reduce heat and simmer until the water has a green color
Add-in the grated galangal root, lemon grass, and chopped herbs
Cook the broth for approx. 15 minutes
Remove the pot from heat and add the turmeric and the juice of the pressed limes
Add the remaining ingredients and mix well
Serve warm or cold. You can also mix your homemade Jamu drink with flat or sparkling mineral water and garnish with a mint leaf.
4. Experience galangal in another way
Cough: Grind equal quantity of Cubeb, Galangal, Licorice and Long Pepper. Take one teaspoon with two teaspoon Honey daily.
Asthma: Mix half tsp. root stock powder in 250 ml water. Leave it for 4 hours. Drink this infusion by adding 1 tsp. Honey in it.
Chest Congestion: Soak some crushed root stock in a pot of drinking water. Drink after adding honey whenever feel thirsty.
Nausea: Take Galangal’s rhizome. Dip it in Castor oil. Roast it over flame. Powder it. Take 3 g with honey daily. OR Mix equal quantity of Galangal’s rhizome powder with sugar. Eat 1 tsp. once a day.
Fever: Mix root stock of Galangal and sugar. Grind to make powder. Take half tsp. with hot water or milk during bedtime.
Headache: Grind equal quantity of sugar and Galangal’s root stock together. Take 3g with hot milk before sleeping.
I used galangal to treat skin diseases. Fresh galangal washed, squeeze water. Then add a pinch of salt to the mixture, apply directly to the tinea versicolor area for about 20 and rinse with warm water (once a day). It is really effective and safe for me.
I hope this article has been helpful to you.
Source: draxe.com ;