Anti-Diabetes From Okra
As usual, scientific researchers have not been inactive about this potential asset. In a study published in 2011 by the American journal ISRN Pharmaceutics, they demonstrated that okra can significantly reduce blood sugar levels.
Indeed, okra contains a high proportion of soluble fiber, which is 40% of its total dietary fiber content. Soluble fiber is associated with higher levels of blood sugar and cholesterol. In addition to fiber, it also contains carbohydrates, carbohydrate, proteins, lipids, minerals (K, Ca, Mg) and vitamin C, A. A composition that makes okra, a complete food that proves to be more and more appreciated by nutritionists who advise it to people with diabetes.
Here is a very simple recipe to regulate your blood sugar
- Cut the ends and the bottom of two okra that you took before taking care to wash well.
- Put them in a glass of clean water, preferably mineral water. Okra should stay in this container overnight.
- Remove the two okra from the container and drink. The water is a little sticky because of the richness of soluble fibers which gives it a viscous character.
- Consume okra water.
Testimony This recipe is very effective. Indeed, a few years ago my grandmother, diabetic had contracted a sore on the thigh. The wound made her suffer a lot and made it difficult for the doctors and nurses who were following her. Every morning, the flesh on the surface of the wound was removed to prevent putrefaction. The procedure was very painful for an old septagenarian who spent the mornings crying.
The doctors told us that a decrease in blood sugar levels would be concomitant with the beginning of healing of the wound. His diet was monitored closely: the blood glucose level dropped but very slightly to allow rapid healing. My parents therefore called on a therapist who advised them to recipe for okra water. With a regular intake, with in a week, the blood glucose level had gone down and the treatment had begun to work. After a month, she got out of the hospital and was able to escape amputation.