Being a vegetarian is a way for you to live longer
To stave off death by a few extra years, a vegetarian diet appears to be superior to a non-vegetarian one, according to results of a study of more than 73,000 people published today (June 3) in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
The study, the largest of its kind, compared the longevity of meat eaters to that of four types of vegetarians: vegans, who eat no animal products; lacto-ovo–vegetarians, who consume dairy products and eggs; pesco-vegetarians, who eat fish but rarely meat; and semi-vegetarians, who eat meat no more than once weekly.
The winners, in terms of cheating death the longest, were the pesco-vegetarians, followed by vegans, and then the lacto-ovo-vegetarians. The vegetarian groups, on average, had a 12 percent lower risk of dying over the study period compared to meat eaters. The study participants were all members of the Seventh-Day Adventist church.
Why Do Some Vegans Live Longer?
Researchers theorize that vegans who live longer than average tend to do so for two main reasons involving both diet and lifestyle.
Vegan diets are often rich in nutritious compounds
Veganism eliminates all animal-based foods, including meat, dairy, eggs, and products derived from them. This usually results in a diet that’s rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. The same can be said about diets low in red and processed meats.
Before we get into the science and evidence about plant-based diets, there’s one important point to make: there are healthy meat-eaters, and there are unhealthy meat-eaters. Just as there are healthy and unhealthy vegans. But, on average, vegans and vegetarians do live longer – they have lower mortality rates than meat-eaters, and grow old with fewer health issues.
For example, those on a plant-based diet tend to have:
- Healthier gut profiles.
- Reduced abundance of pathogenic gut bacteria and greater abundance of protective species.
- Lower blood pressure.
- Lower incidence of heart disease.
- Lower overall cancer incidence.
- Lower risk of developing diabetes.
That’s a pretty impressive list of diseases you can be protected against by adopting a plant-based diet, and it includes two of the top killers in Western countries: heart disease and cancer.
Vegans tend to have healthier lifestyle
As a group, vegans may be more likely to pursue a health-conscious lifestyle compared with the general population.
For instance, research shows that vegans may be less likely to smoke or drink alcohol. They also appear more likely to maintain a normal body mass index (BMI), exercise regularly, and avoid overly processed junk foods.
Experts believe that this increased health consciousness may help explain why some vegans live longer than non-vegans.
Vegan diets tend to be rich in nutrients that may protect against illnesses and boost your lifespan. Many people who follow this eating pattern also make lifestyle choices, such as exercising regularly and avoiding processed foods, that may aid longevity.
Not All Vegans Live Longer. It’s important to remember that not all vegan diets are rich in nutrients. In fact, some vegans may rely heavily on sugary, processed foods — which could negatively affect longevity.
Notably, studies that rate plant-based diets based on their relative amounts of processed versus nutritious foods suggest that only robust, well-planned plant-based diets are linked to an extended lifespan and lower risk of disease.
The Bottom Line
Vegan diets are linked to numerous health benefits, including a lower risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and heart disease. Some evidence indicates that they may also help you live longer.
Yet, like most diets, vegan diets vary in quality. This may partly explain why vegans don’t always outlive non-vegans.
If you’re vegan and looking to maximize any longevity-promoting effects, replace processed foods in your diet with whole plant foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.
– https://www.veganfoodandliving.com/vegan-diet/why-do-vegans-live-longer/
– https://www.ecowatch.com/vegan-diet-lifespan-2645964913.html?rebelltitem=2#rebelltitem2
– https://www.livescience.com/37102-vegetarians-live-longer.html