Use ginger as a family dish?
Ginger is not only used as a cooking spice but is also one of the medicines that help cure many diseases trusted by people for many years. Since ancient times, it has been a popular home remedy for nausea, stomach pain and other health problems.
1. Benefits
Ginger may have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and other health properties. Here are some possible medical uses of ginger.
The antioxidants and other nutrients in ginger can help prevent or treat arthritis, inflammation and various infections. Researchers have also studied its potential to reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer and other health problems.
In this article, learn more about the possible health benefits of ginger and research behind them.
1.1. Support the blood circulation process
In ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc can improve blood circulation, prevent chills, fever and excessive sweating. It also acts as an anticoagulant, preventing platelets from sticking together to help prevent heart attacks.
1.2. Reduce gas and improve digestion
Several studies indicate that the enzymes in ginger can help the body break down and expel this gas, helping to reduce discomfort. Ginger also has a beneficial effect on the enzymes trypsin and pancreatic lipase, which is important for digestion.
1.3. Reduce nausea
Some studies show that ginger can help relieve morning sickness and reduce nausea after cancer treatment.A small study from 2010 examined the effects of ginger root powder supplementation on nausea in 60 children and adolescents undergoing chemotherapy. The analysis shows that supplementation leads to reduced nausea in most people who take it. Taking a daily dose of 1,500 milligrams (mg) of ginger extract will help relieve nausea.
1.4. Reduce a cold or flu
Many people use ginger to help recover from a cold or flu. Fresh ginger may help protect the respiratory system, while dry ginger does not have the same effect.
The researchers determined that 69% of the respondents used herbal medicine and most of the group found it to be effective, while ginger was one of the most popular ingredients in these remedies, Some participants may not have used it.
1.5. Pain relief
The researchers behind a small study, including 74 volunteers, found that a daily dose of 2 grams (g) of raw or hot ginger reduced muscle pain from exercise by about 25%.
A 2016 review of studies concluded that ginger may help relieve menstrual cramps – pain just before or during menstruation.
1.6. Reduce inflammation
A team of researchers concluded that drinking ginger by mouth is modest and reasonably safe for the treatment of inflammation caused by osteoarthritis.
Meanwhile, a 2017 review of 16 clinical trials determined that the phytochemical properties in ginger may fight inflammation.
1.7. Reduce diarrhea
Ginger is a famous natural treatment for diarrhea. It can help treat a number of causes of diarrhea and relieve digestive symptoms. A limited research agency suggests that ginger can be a natural remedy for these infections.
Severe diarrhea can cause dehydration. Severe diarrhea can signal an untreated medical condition and can be fatal in children. People with severe diarrhea lasting more than a few days should seek medical attention.
2. Risk
Scientific evidence does not support some claims of ginger’s healing qualities. A supplement may interact with medications or cause other health complications. Studies in the late 1990s showed that eating more than 2 to 3 tablespoons of raw ginger or 5 to 8 teaspoons of dried ginger daily would not stimulate uterine contractions, so it seems quite safe to say that most We do not consume enough ginger problems.
Although with the right amount of ginger helps digestion, excessive use may actually cause discomfort in the digestive tract. As always, moderation and a varied diet are the best.
3. How to use fresh or dried ginger root properly
I can use ginger the most in cooking, but after years of experimenting, I now take some natural remedies to get ginger’s benefits that way. Fresh and dried ginger roots seem to be equally beneficial in trials, so here are a few of my favorite uses for getting (or both) into your daily diet.
Organic fresh ginger is available in many grocery stores. For ease of storage, dried ginger root is another great option. I prefer to buy dried ginger root in bulk online whenever possible.
4. In the kitchen
• Ginger root tea: Boil 3/4 teaspoons (0.5 to 1.0 grams) of chopped fresh ginger in 1 cup of hot water for five minutes in a covered teapot. Filter and serve.
• Gold Milk: Try this wonderful Turmeric Tea formula (we call it Gold Milk) with the benefits of turmeric, cinnamon and healthy fats.
• Gingerbread Latte: Lack of Starbucks? Make a superfood Gingerbread Latte at home with this recipe with fresh or dried ginger.
• Ginger Ale – Make a healthy soda replacement by brewing healthy ginger at home!
• Curries and Stir-Fry Recipes: Add foods like curry and stir-fries as a delicious spice. I also like fresh ginger in this Asian sweet dish.
• Soup: This ginger carrot soup recipe is a warm winter dish around our home.
• Ginger biscuits, of course: This list could not be complete without the warm and spicy food version of Gingerbread Biscuits made with molasses and fresh dates.
4.In home remedies
• Cough and cold medicine: I use both fresh and dried ginger root in some homemade cold and cough remedies. Try this cough syrup the next time you’re sick (or make it cough).
• Sore throat spray: Relieve sore throat quickly with this homemade sore throat spray.
• Healthy or tonic photography: Ginger added to Eldberry syrup or Eldberry tea provides additional immune benefits to ward off disease in the first place or recover faster. Also, try a glass of this spicy cider to boost your health.
• In capsules: Fill empty capsules (made of gelatin) with dried ginger to take at therapeutic doses to relieve morning sickness, indigestion or even menstrual cramps. Or, buy ginger capsules.
• Add to a hot tub: Add a few tablespoons of dried ginger root, the powder added to the hot tub is effective at reducing muscle aches or body aches (can also reduce fever).
I certainly have other ways to use ginger around the house, but these are the ones I’ve tried and loved so far!
Who is not allowed to use ginger?
People with liver disease and gallstones
People with hemorrhoids, hemorrhage should not eat ginger
Pregnant women limit eating ginger
People with heat
by Katie Wells
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