Health Benefits Of Pineapple In Your Life – Simple Recipe
1. About pineapple
We all love pineapple because it’s a tropical fruit that makes us think of the sun, the blue sky and the holidays, but do you know that is full of nutrients beneficial to our health and our line. The pineapple drink that we will introduce you will be your health ally, so do not hesitate to eat as often as possible. This fresh and juicy fruit is full of vitamins and of minerals and antioxidants and will provide a myriad of health benefits.
2. It acts as an anti-inflammatory
Thanks to the bromelain it contains, pineapple considerably reduces the swelling and pain of arthritis, and its richness in manganese, an indispensable mineral bone health helps prevent osteoporosis.
3. It’s a fight against cancer
Pineapple is still able to fight against cancer cells, especially those of the colon, breast and stomach, thanks to bromelain.
4. It protects against colds and infections
Its richness in vitamin C, gives it the role of protector against colds and flu, boosting the immune system to make it more resistant to infections.
5. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular events
The bromelain it contains also helps to thin the blood and reduce the risk of blood clots, phlebitis, thrombosis and cardiovascular events.
6. It detoxifies and quenches
Its high fiber content helps detoxify the body and release toxins, while quenching it.
7. It improves the functioning of the thyroid gland
The iodine and bromelain it contains, stimulate the functioning of the thyroid and prevent the various problems of the thyroid gland.
8. It facilitates digestion
Pineapple breaks down proteins with bromelain and facilitates their digestion. Its fiber richness and facilitates their digestion.Its fiber richness allows a good intestinal transit.
9. It strengthens the teeth and gums
Its richness of calcium is crucial for the health of bones and teeth as well as gums.
10. It reduces fatigue
Pineapple is rich in potassium, so it balances electrolyte levels, which reduces fatigue.
11. It improves eyesight
Its high beta-carotene content gives it a powerful antioxidant to improve eyesight and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, which can lead to blindness in many elderly people.
12. It helps to lose weight
Pineapple is a popular fruit for its detox properties that help to lose weight. lt is a powerful diuretic that helps eliminate excess water in the body. The body and treat the water retention, stimulating the metabolism, especially as the pineapple is very low in calories and can as the pineapple is very low in calories and can be consumed without moderation. It contains only 50 calories per 100 grams.
13. Healthy and refreshing pineapple drink
The drink we present to you is made from pineapple and mint, which has antioxidant properties because it contains a high content of bromelain and acid rosmarinique that act as an antiviral, antiallergic or anti-cancer.The drink we present is made from pineapple and mint. The latter has antioxidant capacity since it contains a high content bromelain and rosmarinic acid that act antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, as an antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic or anti-cancer. lt is advisable to consume this drink every morning fasting to energize and vitalize your body.
14. Simple Recipe
- 1 pineapple of medium size,
- 6 mint leaves
- 1 liter of mineral water
Start by cutting the pineapple into small pieces, pour the water into a clean jar and add the pieces of pineapple then the mint leaves, close the jar and keep it in the refrigerator for 8 to 10 hours, drink a glass of this drink every morning when you wake up on an empty stomach and the rest during the day. In addition to its health benefits, this drink is naturally tasty.