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Aloe Vulgaris

There are several species of aloe but the best known is aloe vera whose juice has enormous nutritional and medicinal properties. The juice or gel or pulp juice of this plant is a panacea. Stimulates immune defenses, is an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, purifying It helps eliminate toxins, cleans the cluttered organs (kidneys, liver, lungs).

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Acorus Calamus

The acorus is a soothing and stimulating plant of gastric secretions. It is known for its appetizing and carminative properties, as well as a soothing effect on the nervous system and joint pains. The plant is generally recommended in case of digestion difficult, chronic gastritis, rash and urticaria.

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Achillea Millefolium

The millefeuille is a plant origin from Europe whose healing properties have been known for a long time. Yesterday, the yarrow was used to stop the bleeding caused by war wounds. Active against the hay fever, it also treats the common cold and the flu, it is also used in case of problems related to menstruation and circulatory disorders.

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