Make Honey Mask Simple for Decollete Area
Using honey by itself really is an effective skin clearing, nourishing, and revitalizing treatment. Honey is naturally antibacterial, high in antioxidants, combats harmful free radicals that damage your skin, eaving your skin moist and smooth.
- 1 piece of egg
- 1 Dessert Spoon Honey
- Table Spoon Corn Starch
Preparation and implementation:
- Break the egg from the white to break the egg white.
- Mix egg white and other ingredients into a bowl and mix well.
- Apply the mixture to your décolleté.
- Wait 30 minutes.
- Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
Note: Apply this mask, which is effective in removing the wrinkles in the decollete area and carina for the decollete area 2 times a week.