Ginger Tea Can Soothe PMS Moodiness and Discomfort
In medical trials ginger lessened symptoms of PMS
Medical doctors conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of over 70 women, spanning three months, and found the severity of five symptoms of Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) were greatly reduced.
All women in the trial had normal periods, but experienced common symptoms including abdominal pain, backaches, anxiety, depression, nausea, weight gain, breast tenderness, and stiffness.
In the trial, half the women were given a capsule containing 250 milligrams of ginger, while the second group were given a placebo twice a day for seven days prior to the period, during the period, and for three days after the period.
Before the trial, all of the women’s PMS symptoms were rated in a score system — the average score being just over 100 points.
One month into the trial, the group taking ginger’s scores drastically lowered, and continued to lower each month. By the third month, their score was an average of 47 while the placebo group were still averaging 106, and experiencing similar PMS symptoms as before.
This tells us that ginger does soothe away the severity of PMS but it’s important to take it in regular doses before, and during your period.
You may either take ginger as a tea or in a ginger supplement form, bought from your health food store.
Ginger’s role in Chinese medicine
In traditional Chinese medicine, many different roots, and herbs are prepared as potent natural medicine to retain balance. Ginger has a long history in China, and within all of Asia, it also delivers it’s medicinal actions when you include it in your cooking.
How ginger decreases PMS:
- Ginger improves circulation, therefore dispersing stagnant energy around the reproductive organs.
- Ginger balances the yin, and yang in the body — this, in turn, balances the hormones associated with menses.
- Ginger brings qi into the stomach, easing nausea, congestion, and spasms.
- Ginger warms the body, and soothes cold conditions — a hot water bottle placed over your belly offers much relief — think of ginger as gently warming your abdomen from the inside.
Ginger and brown sugar tea
Freshly brewed ginger, and brown sugar tea is very popular in China — especially the cold regions, as a beverage to soothe period pain.
To prepare, finely chop or grate 2 teaspoons of fresh ginger, add this to a pot with a tablespoon of brown sugar, and poor over hot water.
Allow this brew to steep for several minutes, then drink tea slowly while it is warm. Repeat several times a day if pain persists, use less sugar if it’s too sweet.