Cassia Occidentalis
1. History and use
This plant is very popular with birth attendants all over the Sahel. The leaves are particularly recommended for the delivery of pregnant women because they are oxytocic. On the other hand and perhaps by analogy, the leaves and roots are used in sterility and impotence. The leaves are also used as depuratives. The seeds can be grilled as a substitute for coffee.
2. Description of the plan
Sub-shrub up to 1 meter in height, the leaf rusting produces an unpleasant smell. The leaves are flowers are yellow compound, imparipinnate. The fruits are narrow pods, arched with 12 seeds on average.
3. Curative action
The leaves contain derivatives, anthracenics responsible for the laxative action and diuretic flavonoids which explains very well the depurative laxatives. On the other hand, the anthracene glycosides are indeed oxytocic and this plant should not not be given to pregnant women except to promote childbirth actions, cholagogues and laxatives. On the other hand, the anthracene glycosides are indeed oxytocic and this plant should not not be given to pregnant women except to promote childbirth.
4. Uses
Cholagogue – Laxative Macerate or boil 15 g of Cassia occidentalis leaves in one liter of water, drink a glass before going to bed.