Withania Somnifera


Withania Somnifera



1.      History and use


The withania grows in India, the Mediterranean and the Middle East It is grown by seedlings or cuttings in the spring. Its leaves are picked, then its fruits and roots in the autumn.


2.      Description of the plant


The withania is supermarked Indian gmseng , because it is attributed in India the same properties as those of the gmseng, used in China: it increases the tone and accelerates the recovery after a chronic disease.His name, which means in Hindi Smell of horse evokes, beyond the smell, the power of this animal.The traditional use of this fortifying and aphrodisiac plant has been confirmed by science.


Withania Somnifera


3.      Curative action


  • Tonic


Ayurvedic doctors appreciate the tonic and fortifying properties of withania, especially in the case of overwork or nervous fatigue. This plant would reduce vata and kapha. Robert Svoboda writes that it clarifies the ‘mind, calm and strengthens the nerves and ensures. Ayurvedic doctors appreciate the tonic and fortifying properties of withania, especially in the case of overwork or nervous fatigue. This plant would reduce vata and kapha. Robert Svoboda writes that it clarifies the ‘mind, calm and strengthens the nerves and ensures a restful sleep’.


  • Overwork


The withania fights asthenia and the symptoms of overwork H devotes rest and relaxation.


  • Anemia


Withania effectively treats anemia with its high iron content.





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