9 Remedies Against Water Retention Or Edema
Do you often have the feeling of being swollen? Or having your feet so swollen that you can not put on your shoes? You are probably affected by edema in medical terms, or more commonly called retention of. This is due to an excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues, which occurs frequently in the feet and legs.
But may also affect other parts of the body, and may be caused by factors such as high intake of sodium (too much salt), poor circulation, lack of exercise, vitamin deficiencies, venous insufficiency (a problem with blood flow from the veins in the legs to the heart), stress, pregnancy, menstruation, hot weather, altitude, allergies, high blood pressure, heart problems, kidney problems, chronic lung disease, liver disease, thyroid disorders, certain medications and the oral contraceptives. Water retention usually causes swelling of the affected parts. It can also cause stiffness in the joints, a change in weight, a feeling of bloating, increased blood pressure and increased pulse rate.
1. Dandelion to reduce bloating, reduce salt levels
A 2009 study published in the Journal of Complementary showed that dandelion has a diuretic effect. An Alternative and Medicine excellent solution for removing excess water from your body, it is also rich in potassium, which helps to reduce the level of sodium in the body, and it is rich in magnesium, ideal for relieving pre-menstrual bloating. Pour a teaspoon of dried dandelion herb into a cup of warm water, let it brew for about 10 minutes, filter and drink this tea up to three times a day.
You can also take supplements of tincture of dandelion (500 mg once to 3 times). Before starting an herbal remedy such as dandelion tea, consult your doctor as dandelion may interfere with some medicines.
2. Diuretic parsley
Like dandelion, parsley also has excellent diuretic properties 2 teaspoons dried parsley leaves in a cup of boiling water Let infuse for 10 minutes. Drink up to three times a day or you can drink a mixture of fresh parsley juice and lemon juice.
3. Epsom salt to expel toxins and eliminate fluids
Epsom salt bath (magnesium sulfate) can help get rid of water retention, fluids and excess toxins from your body. The relaxing bath also soothes sore muscles and soothes nerves. Mix two cups of Epsom salt in hot bath water, soak for about 15 minutes, repeat until ‘to three times a week.
4. Lemon juice
Lemon juice helps eliminate excess fluid and toxins from your body. Mix two tablespoons of lemon juice in a cup of hot water. You can also sweeten it with honey, drink the solution, take this remedy once a day for a few days or until you see improvement.
5. Fennel seeds that promote the evacuation of sodium in the body
Studies have shown that fennel acts as a diuretic and helps to increase the evacuation of sodium and water by kidneys It also prevents the accumulation of toxins in the body, facilitates digestion and relieves gas. Put a teaspoon of fennel seeds in a cup of hot water, cover and let infuse for 10 minutes, then drain, drink this tea 3 times a day until you see improvement.
6. Nettle
Nettle is a natural diuretic, the plant of choice to prevent and reduce water retention. Boil 1 cup of water mixed with 1 teaspoon of nettle root in powder, let infuse for about 10 minutes, drink this tea three times a day until you see improvement.
7. Cranberry juice for its liquid regulating effect in the body
Cranberry juice is another popular home remedy for curing water retention because of its diuretic properties. In minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium that help maintain the balance of liquids Drink 1 cup unsweetened cranberry juice a day, you can also take cranberry pills.
8. Cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar relieves water retention by reconstituting potassium in the body, which helps to regulate sodium levels. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar cider in 1 glass of water, Drink 2 times a day, You can increase the dose cider vinegar up to 2 tablespoons per glass. lf you have water retention in the legs, you can soak your feet in a warm foot bath made of equal parts of apple cider vinegar and hot water for about 10 minutes, it will also reduce foot odor.
9. Onion
The onion has diuretic and blood cleansing benefits, it will also prevent the formation of kidney stones, boil some raw onions in 4 cups of water, add salt according to your taste, then filter the solution, drink 2 or 3 cups a day for a few watercress, celery, bananas, days. In addition to these remedies, you can try to eat more diuretic foods such as cabbage, cucumber, pineapples and watermelon. Also, drink plenty of water throughout the day (the body begins to retain water when dehydrated), limit your salt intake, drink less alcohol, and practice regularly.