An Easy Way to Make Some Lip-Smacking Lavender Almond Milk
Have you tasted some lavender almond milk recently and become addicted to it? If you do not know how to prepare it, the following recipe will help in cooking up some delicious lavender almond milk that is perfectly sweet and creamy.
The recipe
For this recipe, you will need 6 cups of filtered water, 1 cup almonds, one-third cup dried lavender, 2 tablespoons of raw honey, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt, and a nut bag. First, you need to prepare the lavender water and soak the almonds. To do this, add 3 cups of filtered water to a saucepan along with the dried lavender.
Bring the mixture to a boil and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Remove the pan from the stove and let the water mix cool down for about an hour. Pour the water in a jar, place it in the fridge, and let it sit overnight. Now, put the almonds in a jar and cover them with water. Let them soak for about 12 hours overnight.
The next day, take out the soaked almonds, strain, and rinse them. Add them to a blender and pour in 3 cups of filtered water. Strain the cold lavender water into the mix as well, making sure that the lavender is discarded. Blend the almonds with the water for about a minute on high. Strain the mix through a nut bag.
Add the strained mixture back into the blender. Pour 1 cup of lavender water together with ingredients like sea salt, vanilla extract, and raw honey. Blend everything for about 30 seconds on high and you are done. You can either consume it then and there or store it in a glass jar for up to 5 days. The recipe is good enough to prepare lavender almond milk for 4 to 5 people.
Health benefits
In ancient times, lavender was used to treat people with insomnia and sleep disorders. At present, “aromatherapists use lavender to treat headaches and nervousness or restlessness. Massage therapists sometimes apply lavender oil to the skin, which might function both as a calming agent and a sleep aid. In Germany, lavender tea has been approved as a supplement to treat sleep disruptions, restlessness, and stomach irritation,” according to Healthline.
Lavender oil has been found to be lethal to some strains of fungi that can cause skin diseases. Another study found that the application of lavender oil was able to close wounds in a person faster. For people suffering from hair loss, lavender can be useful as its oil extract can promote hair growth by up to 44 percent after seven months of application. Dental patients awaiting their appointment were observed to be far calmer when exposed to the scent of lavender.
High levels of bad cholesterol are a risk factor for heart disease. Consuming some almonds may help limit such risks. “An ADA [American Diabetes Association] diet consisting of 20 percent of calories as almonds over a 16-week period is effective in improving markers of insulin sensitivity and yields clinically significant improvements in LDL-C in adults with prediabetes,” a NCBI study concluded. Another study found that LDL cholesterol fell by 5.3 mg/dL when a person consumed 42 grams of almonds per day.
Almonds are some of the best sources of Vitamin E you can ever find. Just one ounce of almonds provides 37 percent of the recommended daily intake of the nutrient. Almonds are also rich in antioxidants, with most of the powerful antioxidants concentrated on the brown skin layer.