After Planting Your Cup of Coffee, Why Not Plant a Book?


After Planting Your Cup of Coffee, Why Not Plant a Book?

You’ve already learned about planting your cup of coffee, so how about planting a book next?

Innovative, creative, an idea so simple yet so great! A book that can be planted after it has been read several times. Books come from trees, but now trees can come from books!

Based on a real story, written and illustrated by Gusti and Anne Decis for children between 8 and 12 years of age, it’s a young man’s account his father’s adventures in the Ecuadorian jungle. This delightful picture book seeks to inspire readers to consider the destruction of natural habitats and preserving the life around them.

Now trees come from books (Screenshot/YouTube)

Now trees come from books

The lovely message regarding the respect we owe to all living beings demonstrates how paper products can impact the environment. The tome is handmade using acid-free paper, ecological ink, and jacaranda seeds that sprout when planted.

This is the first book of the project called Tree Book Tree, launched by Pequeño Editor, and in some bookstores around Argentina you can already see germinating Mi Papá Estuvo en la Selva (My Dad Was in the Jungle).


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