Tinospora Bakis
1. History and use
This is the very example of the application of the ‘Signatures theory’, where a yellow root of the Bakis makes it possible to treat jaundice in the broadest sense, diagnosed by the coloring of and sclerotitis. Jaundice integuments resulting from hepatitis or following a malaria attack are treated by this plant. It is often associated with the green fruit of Carica papaya.
2. Description of the plant
It is a small shrub with yellow roots and liana-shaped stems that can reach 10 meters in height and cling to trees. The alternating heart – shaped leaves have a pointed top a long petiole. The flowers are greenish yellow and the fruits are small ovoid drupes. The roots are harvested without destroying the tree.
3. Curative action
The root of Tinospora bakis contains a bitter principle, columbine and various quaternary alkaloids, the main one being water-soluble palmatine, olombin increases the secretion of bile and palmatine is febrifuge and cholagogue.
Iceric of a decoction of the root showed an action, hepatoprotective, and antihemolytic.
4. Uses
Jaunders – Fever
In all cases of jaundice, drink half a liter of water each day in which you have macerated a large root cut into slices or drink a decoction of the same root.